
DESTINI will be built around a shared research vision in Smart Data Processing and Systems of Deep Insight es-tablished by strategically partnering CUT with international leading European counterparts that have an es-tablished record in the field. Scientific and technological excellence will be achieved by the effective and dura-ble integration of the research capacities of the participants.
The international leading partners have the “name-recognition”, reputation and experience to confer the great-er visibility, credibility and prestige that DESTINI needs to become a major player in the region and Europe. The leading partners will contribute to the effective development of the research and innovation potential of CUT through knowledge transfer, sharing research results, expertise, reputation, and access to international net-works. #
It should be noted that the leading partners exhibit long-standing relationships and intense collaboration. Leading partners have extensive experience in management and administration of large-scale research net-works and international education programmes. For instance, ERISS was the Scientific Director of the FP-7 Net-work of Excellence (NoE) on Software Systems and Services (S-Cube, see www.s-cube-network.eu), while UNI-ROMA1 coordinated the excellent-ranked projects FP6 WORKPAD, FP7 SM4All and FP7 ACSI. CUT and ERISS will build on experience and results of their successful collaboration in the context of TWINNING project DOSSIER-CLOUD. In addition, ERISS are the coordinators of the ERASMUS Mundus International Master’s degree in Ser-vice Engineering (IMSE - www.erasmusmundus-imse.eu).
The international leading partners aim to take CUT to the next level and help it become an innovative, world-leading research organisation where the notion of bold and creative thinking, excellence and discovery per-vades all aspects of research and results in high impact scientific breakthroughs essential to innovation and knowledge transfer activities that, at the same time, tackle key economic and societal issues in Cyprus and the surrounding region.


The DESTINI research agenda and its framework for applied research